Friday, 17 March 2017

Invasive species

Emily arrived in Victoria a week ago and has already settled in.  She starts her new job with the BC Auditor General on Monday, and moves into her new apartment at the beginning of the month.  Until then, she's staying with her sister, Allison.

Gwyn, Rick, Tom, Emily, Penny
 Bryan has guests, too.  His older brother, Tom, and his twin, Rich, have come from Ontario to celebrate the twins' 27th birthday.  I have been told that there was beer involved.

Tom, Gwyn, Rich, Bryan

And if there's beer, their dad, Rick, must be here, too.  He came out at the beginning of the month to experience Victoria's Beer Week, and stayed to spend more time with us (and the boys at The Beagle Pub).

Rick, Tom, Bryan, Rich

Sadly, Rick, Tom and Rich all return to snowy Ontario next week.  They'll be back!

And we get to keep Emily.